The Holidays are approaching. 10 weeks 5 days till Christmas, but who's counting? ~wink~
I made my list the other day & took stock of my Gift Closet. If I see a good deal during the year on something I know someone on my list would love, I snatch it up, and stick it in my Gift Closet. Saves me time and money in the long run. I love a one-stop shopping kind of site. I also am a fan of Gift Cards. What's not to love about a gift card? Some will say it's impersonal. But hey! I'd much rather get a gift card to a store I like than a hideous piece of jewelry or clothing I'll never wear. I know, I know. It's the thought that counts. But if you're going to get someone a gift, why not get something you know they will use?
All that rambling to say, I would like to let you know about a site I have discovered called It will make your shopping this year quick, easy, and you will never have to get out of your pj's or leave the house! serves as a portal to the web's eGift cards, promoting greener gift giving and seeking to save shoppers precious resources. just launched their Greener Gift Giving movement in response to the 75 million lbs of PVC dumped into landfills each year due to plastic gift card waste. You literally could handle all your shopping through one site!! Retailers include Sephora, Amazon, Ugg Australia, Home Depot, Kohl's, Bloomindale's, Walmart, Kmart, Meijer, and.... is simple, fast, and completely free. It's the perfect way to send a last minute gift or as a more efficient way of giving all of your eGift cards. There are no catches or hidden fees.They don't collect data or require you to register. The best part? You will never lose a gift card again. Save the eGift cards in your inbox.
How to:
1. Browse the various categories, locate a retailer of interest and click on that retailer's logo.
2. A box will appear providing a brief description of the product or services that the retailer offers, as well as information regarding denominations available and locations where the eGift card is redeemable.
3. Click GiftZip it! And you will be automatically directed to the retailer's secure eGift card page.
4. From there, follow the instructions on the retailer's website to complete your order.
5. Your eGift card will be sent by email and arrive in your recipient's inbox. You also can have the eGift card sent to yourself to print.
One lucky Gift Closet reader can enter to win a $25 Gift Card to!!
1. Leave a comment here & be sure to include your email address if it is not on your profile.
~Leave a separate comment for each entry~
1. Click here to "like" The Gift Closet on Facebook.
2. FIVE extra entries for making a purchase from
Giveaway ends Monday October 18 , 2010 @ midnight. Winner will be contacted by email and have 48 hours to respond. This blog bares no responsibility for the delivery of this prize. Giveaway is open to US residents only.
P.S. I am open for link exchanges. What a great way to get some free ad space! Email me today if you are interested. :) Heatherldt @ bellsouth dot net
I would love to win!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I "like" the Gift Closet on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I would get a Home Depot card from GiftZip for my husband.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
what a great giveaway
Sounds like a really cool site!
starinthenitesky (at)
i had never heard of this before! sounds interesting!
divertida at fastmail dot fm
i like the gift closet on facebook (wren nelson)
divertida at fastmail dot fm
I'm dying to try Giftzip! I have heard good things!
Giftzip fb fan!
Mary Jenkins
thanks so mcuh for the chance!
CLOTHED MUCH, a modest fashion blog
what a great idea gift zip is.
ortizvelasquez at yahoo dot com
wow cool
courtney elder
"like" The Gift Closet on Facebook.
Thanks for the chance to win~!
I hate to sound selfish, but I could really use a Borders or Barnes & Noble card to continue my manga collection. LoL.
Thanks for offering this giveaway and letting us know about this cool site!
Jessica would be very handy during holiday seasons, thanks for sharing.
"like" The Gift Closet on Facebook.@tcarolinep JessieKatie S
This would come in handy
This site looks awesome, thanks for the giveaway
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com
I would love to enter!!
Oh wow!! I could use 25 bucks to some where!!Barnes and NOBLES!!!YES!!!
Thanks for this chance
cool! thanks for the chance!
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
facebook like too
i like u on fb- courtney bella
Nice! They have such a wide variety of GC to choose from.
jas8929 at gmail dot com
I could sure use this for Christmas gifts! :) Thanks!!
FB fan!
Oh, this would be perfect for Christmas.
reallyareyouserious at gmail dot com
Like you on FB.
reallyareyouserious at gmail dot com
Ooh they have awesome stores to choose from, they even have LUSH! Awesome!
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I like Gift Zip on Facebook (Amber H)
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
Wonderful giveaway. Please count me in. Can always use more money in the amazon account :)
wow I Love places that make my holiday shopping easier
What a great giveaway!! I love to give giftcards.
what a great giveaway. this shop is awesome.
lauren51990 at aol dot com
Thanks so much for the chance! I'd love to win this.
CLOTHED MUCH, a modest fashion blog
Hey,count me in! I would like to win this!
Facebook like
I would LOVE to win.
Thanks for the chance!
I would get my hubby a Bass Pro Shops gift card for Christmas.
hotpepper71 at bell south dot Net
I've never used GiftZip, but I'd like to try!
couponboss at gmail dot com
email in profile
Thanks for the chance, I would really love to win this!
Gift Cards are awesome. Thanks for the great giveaway. :)
chainmail(at) iwon(dot)com
I'm following on Google Friend Connect
chainmail(at) iwon(dot)com
I'm following your blog via Bloglovin'
I like you on facebook (SunshynV)
Gift cards are so useful but seem more like a real present than cash
Loving GiftZip for their Home Depot card! Thanks
LIKE The Gift Closet on Facebook (Erin Mize)
This will help my Christmas budget - thanks for the chance!
mandalarctic at gmail dot com
GiftZip is such a great concept!
Thanks for the giveaway.
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com
Like you on Facebook Barbara Montag
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com
Thanks for the chance! I love GiftZip, I've used them only once so far, but I plan to again soon!
fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
Facebook Fan! (Sheila H.)
fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
I would love to win. Thanks!
amandarwest at gmaildotcom
I would get one from Sephora. topgun34er(at)hotmail(dot)com
Elizabeth I. likes the gift closet on FB. topgun34er(at)hotmail(dot)com
sounds really great!
annemolino at hotmail dot com
I like you on FB!
Awesome contest! Thanks for entering me!
Janna Johnson
Gift Zip looks awesome - I would love a gift card from eBags
Thanks for the giveaway!
ericandsarita at gmail dot com
"like" on FB
I haven't tried GiftZip but it sounds like a winner to me. Thanks for the giveaway.
I could use more GCs for my kindle.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway! I love GiftZip!
Liked The Gift Closet on FB
Hoa Le
This sounds like a great place to shop, thanks.
I like giving and receiving gift cards too and I could certainly find a store for everyone on my gift list at GiftZip.
This is a great give-a-way, especially with the upcoming holidays! Thanks for the chance at winning!!!
THis is a very good thing!!
tattgiff at centurytel dot net
I liked giftzip.
Thank you, this would be great for Christmas!
tattgiff at centurytel dot net
I'd love to get a Barnes & Noble gift card for a book or two I'd like to have.
Email is in profile.
This would make my day
Love the GiftZip idea. Lessen that footprint we leave on the earth!
Liked your FB page (Wendy T).
Thanks again.
What a handy site! I could get all my gift giving done quickly here. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
This is so convenient. Thanks for the giveaway.
ewhatley at embarqmail dot com
would love to win!
Christie C
dctm at bellsouth dot net
I would get an card from GiftZip if I won.
jessi at jessisbubble dot com
I ilke you on Facebook.
name: Jessica Shurtleff
jessi at jessisbubble dot com
With Christmas coming soon this would be great to win to purchase gift cards for family.
Oh, how I love gift cards! These are the greatest invention since chocolate (and that's saying a lot.) They come in so handy for those "oops..I forgot that a certain person's birthday was tomorrow" times!
Gift cards are perfect gifts for anyone.
sounds very interesting, hope to win
"like" The Gift Closet on Facebook (gala ya)
I would love to win this! thanks for the chance suelee1998 @
I love the idea of ordering gift cards online.
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.
I "like" The Gift Closet on Facebook.-Joanne Schultz.
email in blogger profile.
I would love to get a Barnes and Nobles GC if I win!
I "LIKE" you on FB (Nicole Pitts)
sounds like a great way to buy gift cards
s2s2 at comcast dot net
I "like" the Gift Closet on Facebook Susan S
Great site...I love the Borders best
Diane Baum
great site,and a great idea have used them before!
I would love to win this, thanks for the chance!
I would love to win this :) Barnes & Noble and Kohls are my favorite stores! Awesome site!
Aubrey Fick
I liked The Gift Closet on Facebook! (Aubrey Fick)
This would really help out with christmas
Perfect to give to my mil for Christmas-thanks for the giveaway
hope you all are feeling better
I love GiftZip--Great on-line site!! :)
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com
like the gift closet on FB :)
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com
I have never heard of, but what a great idea!
I liked The Gift Closet on Facebook - Geri N.
Thanks for an awesome giveaway!
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)
Follow you via Facebook- iiiyadirf (michelle tucker)
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)
This is a great contest that I would like to win.
Great idea for the upcoming holidays
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
liked them fb
rich hicks
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
I would trade it in for
jlafount at hotmail dot com
A Fandango card would be nice.
I'd luv to win! Great Giveaway:)
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