The winner of the $65 CSN Stores giveaway is lucky #39 Kathy Persons . Congrats!
I'm excited today to give away a Melissa & Doug Shopping Cart from GummyLump!! I came across Gummy Lump a few weeks ago and was impressed with the selection of quality Award Winning and Special Needs toys they offer. My kids got in on the excitement when this Shopping Cart arrived for us to review!

Award Winner!
ASTRA Best Toys For Kids 2009
ASTRA Best Toys For Kids 2009
Toy of The Year Finalist 2010
With Melissa & Doug's Shopping Cart it's always a great time to shop!
To market, to market Take your shopping list and your teddy bear and get ready to shop! Our durable metal shopping cart looks just like those in real stores! Sturdy metal construction includes pivoting front wheels and a folding seat so your child and their favorite companion can navigate the aisles in style!

The Melissa & Doug Shopping Cart is a great addition to any pretend play food collection or grocery store!
*Play Food Accessories shown NOT included.
Educational Value: Endless pretend play possibilities!
Size: 18.5" x 22.5" x 13.5"
For Ages: 3 years and up
What we like about this Melissa & Doug Shopping Cart:
1. My 8 year old enjoys the fact that it is not too short. She doesn't have to "hunch" over to push it.
2. My 4 year old son is enjoying it as well. What child doesn't like to fill up a buggy and push it around?
3. Very sturdy. Not thin pieces of metal....quality made!
4. Has a seat for them to put their baby doll in as well.
5. Super fast shipping from Gummy Lump!!
What we didn't' like about it:
1. The only compliant my kids had was there was no bottom rack like a real grocery cart. If that is even a complaint. ~wink~ They really have enjoyed playing w/ this!
Another great product they will be coming out w/ soon are these Trunki suitcases/ride-ons! How fun are these??

Want It? Click here to visit Gummy Lump.
Interested in seeing your product reviewed on The Gift Closet? Email me today for more info! :) heatherldt @ bellsouth dot net
The Melissa & Doug Shopping Cart is a great addition to any pretend play food collection or grocery store!
*Play Food Accessories shown NOT included.
Educational Value: Endless pretend play possibilities!
Size: 18.5" x 22.5" x 13.5"
For Ages: 3 years and up
What we like about this Melissa & Doug Shopping Cart:
1. My 8 year old enjoys the fact that it is not too short. She doesn't have to "hunch" over to push it.
2. My 4 year old son is enjoying it as well. What child doesn't like to fill up a buggy and push it around?
3. Very sturdy. Not thin pieces of metal....quality made!
4. Has a seat for them to put their baby doll in as well.
5. Super fast shipping from Gummy Lump!!
What we didn't' like about it:
1. The only compliant my kids had was there was no bottom rack like a real grocery cart. If that is even a complaint. ~wink~ They really have enjoyed playing w/ this!
Another great product they will be coming out w/ soon are these Trunki suitcases/ride-ons! How fun are these??

Want It? Click here to visit Gummy Lump.
Win It!
How to enter to win this $39.99 Melissa & Doug Shopping Cart from Gummy Lump:
1. Leave a comment here & be sure to include your email address if it is not on your profile.
~Leave a separate comment for each entry~
1.Tell me your favorite Fall activity.
2. Tweet daily about this giveaway for an extra entry each day!
3. Link to this giveaway on your Facebook page for an extra entry.
How to enter to win this $39.99 Melissa & Doug Shopping Cart from Gummy Lump:
1. Leave a comment here & be sure to include your email address if it is not on your profile.
~Leave a separate comment for each entry~
1.Tell me your favorite Fall activity.
2. Tweet daily about this giveaway for an extra entry each day!
3. Link to this giveaway on your Facebook page for an extra entry.
I received product for the purpose of this review only. All opinions are my own. No monetary compensation was received. Click here to view my Full Disclosure.Giveaway ends Sunday October 3, 2010 @ midnight. Winner will be contacted by email and have 48 hours to respond. This blog bares no responsibility for the delivery of this prize. Giveaway open to US & Canada residents only.
P.S. Thanks a ton to all my followers! The Gift Closet hit 600 followers yesterday! ~Giddy~
My girls would love this! They always go for a cart toy when we play with friends.
reallyareyouserious at gmail dot com
Mmm......fresh pumpkins seeds.
reallyareyouserious at gmail dot com
that looks adorable - and would go perfect with all the M&D food we already have :)
my favorite fall activity is a trip to a local pumpkin patch: hay rides, kettle corn, hot cider, and caramel apples all in one place!
wonderful! My daughter's Fisher Price cart is wearing out.
My favorite fall activity is decorating for Halloween - and pumpkin carving!
shared on facebook!
Thankyou for this giveaway
My favorite fall activity is eating fall food, and opening the windows at night, taking walks in forest to see leaves.
My kids would love to win this! I love Melissa and Doug toys!
COngratulations on hitting 600!
I love picking grapes and aking grape juice!
I love this! It would be a hit at my house.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
We like to make caramel apples in the fall.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com tweeted
I have some little ones that would love this!!
sunshinekmp at yahoo dot com
Our favorite fall activity is going to the pumpkin patch and picking out a pumpkin!!
sunshinekmp at yahoo dot com
I work at a preschool and our shopping cart just broke, this would be a fantastic win to replace it with!
kclements2001 (at) hotmail (dot) com
My favorite fall activity is playing in the leaves!!
kclements2001 (at) hotmail (dot) com
My girls need a shopping cart--would love to win for them.
I love my kids to play in the leaves and love Halloween fun!! fall is a fun time of year.
My grandchildren would love this shopping cart. I can see hours of play with it.
My favorite fall activity is baking for the Holidays.
my little boy would love this!
tvollowitz at aol dot com
We like to take mid-day walks in the Fall because it is cooler
tvollowitz at aol dot com
my daughter would LOVE playing with this! It could also teach her some grocery store manners :)
i love to take my daughter and pick out pumpkins and take her picture by them!
this looks great- love their toys
I love the cart-it looks just like the real thing!
smchester at gmail dot com
My favorite fall activity is taking my grandchildren to the corn maze.
smchester at gmail dot com
My fav activity is pumpkin carving! scg00387 at yahoodot com scg00387 at yahoo dot com
My kids love playing grocery store.
My favorite fall activity is crafts
We love any new toys to play with in the playroom! :) Bring it on!
Thanks for the giveaway!
We love playing in the leaves in the backyard in the fall. We have 12 huge trees that provide tons of fun!
My daughter would LOVE this!
absolutau1 at aol dot com
Favorite fall activity is watching college football
absolutau1 at aol dot com
My Tweet:
absolutau1 at aol dot com
Would love to win!
kimhigueria at gmail dot com
My favorite fall activity is baking, I love anything and everything with pumpkin in it
kimhigueria at gmail dot com
kimhigueria at gmail dot com
posted this on fb
kimhigueria at gmail dot com
My daughter loves to push the carts at the Children's Museum..she would LOVE to have one of her own
We love Melissa and Doug Toys. We would be ecstatic with a shopping cart.
My favorite fall activity is visiting the pumpkin patch,
Posted Giveaway on Facebook.!/profile.php?id=843349308&v=wall&story_fbid=162844803728174&ref=mf
My daughter would love this. She bee-lines to any toy shopping cart or doll stroller she sees!
I used to love going for a drive to Upstate New York to see the changing leaves
I can't begin to tell you how much my boys would love this!
Favorite Fall activity would be taking the kids to Fall Festivals!
Awesome giveaway! I've been debating on whether to buy one of these or not : )
Our favorite fall activity is going to a pumpkin patch, drinking hot apple cider, picking a pumpkin, and going through a corn maze.
My grandson would love this. It looks so much sturdier than the little red plastic ones my kids used that didn't last long.
How cute is this! I'd love to win this!
My favorite fall activity is playing outside in the nice, cool weather! My oldest son plays soccer so that's pretty fun also! I also love decorating and preparing for Halloween!
I would love to give this to my little niece, she loves to shop!
We love to take drives in the country in the fall and enjoy the turning of the leaves and enjoy the fall festivals.
My daughter would love this.
My favourite activity watching leaves change color.
My son would absolutely love this!
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com
I love going to the pumpkin patch in the fall!
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com
I tweeted about this!
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com
My daughter saw this cart at a store and has been begging me ever since! I would love to give this to her for Christmas!
marysa at marysa dot com
Our favorite fall activity is going to the farm, for apple or pumpkin picking, drinking apple cider and eating cider donuts!
marysa at marysa dot com
we have a play kitchen area so this would be the perfect compliment to it. hoping to win...!
forgot to leave you my email address...woops!
annsavd at gmail dot com
It looks like such a fun toy!
My favorite fall activity is to go hiking and enjoy the fall colors.
This is so cute! I love how real it looks!
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I tweeted
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I shared on facebook!/profile.php?id=100000896348763&v=wall&story_fbid=137357876310132&ref=mf
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
for my little ones
My son would LOVE this! He always runs for the toy shopping cart at church!
My favorite fall activity is making caramel apples! :-D
I shared on facebook!
daily tweet
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com
Daily Tweet:
absolutau1 at aol dot com
My daughter would be SO thrilled!!
Thanks for the chance.
Thanks for introducing me to Gummy Lump! I love Melissa and Doug toys. My daughter would love this!
My favorite fall activity is going pumpkin picking with my family!
I love Melissa and Doug and would love to win this!
Favorite fall activity? I love watching my girls carve a pumpkin with their daddy. Those are some of the cutest pictures!
This would be fantastic! I've been wondering if I could even get a play shopping cart that wasn't plastic!
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com
My favorite fall activity is the entire pumpkin process - picking, cleaning, carving, roasting seeds.
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com
I love that this cart encourages imaginative play
wow ad me in for this and well this my 3 year old is always asking me for a shopingcart . heres my e-mail address just in case you dont see it in my porfile jenny9675309@yahoo(dot)com
we like going to the pumpkin farm
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com
My daughter and son would have so much fun with that cart..
My favorite fall activity is the corn maze and picking pumpkins.
I tweeted about the giveaway
I linked this to my facebook
My daughters would LOVE playing with this! I love Gummy Lump. Thanks for the great giveaway.
mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com
My favorite fall activity is making Halloween costumes for my girls.
mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com
I so want to win this for my twin girls. Theirs broke. They love to push their toys and dolls around in it.
Thank you for the giveaway. Melissa and Doug products are very nice and well made. My daughter would love this.
mrsmiki77 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Thank you again for the giveaway.
Fall activities? We love exploring nature the most. We now live in the country and it's so beautiful during the fall. We also want to make a candycorn tree that I found in a magazine.
mrsmiki77 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
My kids need a new cart and this one is the best.
Thanks for the chance!
My favorite fall activity has to be hiking as we love to look at all the amazing colored trees.
Thanks for the giveaway, my niece would love this
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com
My favorite fall activity is watching college basketball!!
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com
kirsten.jason.2010 at gmail dot com
Would love to win this for my niece
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
How cute is that shopping cart?! I love Melissa & Doug toys!
My email is in my profile, thanks!
My favorite fall activity is taking scenic drives and photographing all the beautiful fall trees and colors!
I'd love to win this for my two year old that loves to pack up things in bags, suitcases and backpacks. I know he'd love to pack things in this shopping cart too!
alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM
Fall Activity: Shooting photo's of my boy's playing in a pile of leaves.
Fall Activity: Shooting Photo's of my boy's in a pile leaves.
Linked to this on FB. Alissa Spiehs-Apel
I would love to give this to my 2 year old for Christmas. She would love it! my email is in my profile
Our family's favorite fall activity is to go to the pumpkin patch, go through the corn maze, pick apples, and our own pumpkins to later carve at Halloween!
My daughter would love this shopping cart. It would definitely provide her with hours of entertainment.
Our favorite fall activity is packing a lunch and going on a hike to have a picnic for the day.
so cute! I'd love to win!
lizgiver at gmail dot com
playing in the leaves
lizgiver at gmail dot com
lizgiver at gmail dot com
put it on fb
lizgiver at gmail dot com
This would make a wonderful gift for my friend's daughter.
My favorite fall activity is going to the pumpkin patch to get our pumpkins.
My kids would love this!!
My 3yr son would love he likes to play grocery shop, right now using a plastic wheel barrow, and he says I'd like to buy this stuff for my baby aka (1yr brother)
Our favorite fall activites are going to our communty carnival and decorating with the kids, lots of fun.
This would be so fun to have around the house!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
My favorite fall activity is going to a pumpkin patch, eating pumpkin pie, and apple pie, and drinking warm drinks!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com
My twin boys would absolutely love this!
My daughter would love playong with this
My favorite fall activity is decorating for Halloween
My kids would be ecstatic with the cart.
Raking and jumping in the leaves is tied with pumpkin carving for my favorite Fall activity.
Twitter follow/tweet!/mail4rosey/status/26222814478
My niece would love this and I'm sure my boys would have fun with it as well.
I love the Melissa and Doug toys we have and this looks like another good toy.
My younger kids would love this!
My favorite Fall activity is visiting the pumpkin patch and then coming home and carving the pumpkin.
Favorite fall activity is going to the Cider Mill
My very favorite fall activity is apple picking.
Check out the Melissa & Doug Shopping Cart Review and Giveaway: compliments of @momof2dancers
This looks so adorable!
Shared on facebook:
My daughter would love to play with this. Thanks for the chance.
Liz and Emily love to play store. They'd like having a realistic looking shopping cart that is their size.
This looks sturdy! My daughter had a plastic one, but it barely laster a year before it literally fell apart! Thanks!
This would be a big hit in our house! Great product!
My favorite fall activity is going on hikes. The leaves are beautiful this time of year and the air is always so fresh!
My daughter would love this! They love playing shopping!
Tandt625 at hotmail dot com
Awww, in that age range I have both a son and daughter who would put that grocery cart too much use. I love Melissa & Doug toys, the quality is usually very sturdy.
I think it is a tie between visiting Apple Hill and the Pumpkin Patch and of course baking and eating pies from the produce of each! :)
I would love to win this for my son for Christmas. Thanks for the chance.
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
My favorite fall activities are baking and spending time with family.
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
posted on my facebook page
bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
My boys love playing with fake food, and I think this would be so much fun for them. Of course, I will probably need two, or I'll be breaking up fights. ;) goodwitchglinda at gmail dotcom
I'd love to win the cart for my daughter!
tweet 10/3
lizgiver at gmail dot com
My grandson would love this shopping cart
joyerast at hotmail dot com
Our family enjoys watching football, baking for holidays and being together
joyerast at hotmail dot com
My daughter would love this cart and she would proberly insist on taking it with us when we do grocery shopping
Our favorite fall activity Picking out a pumpkin for halloween and carving it
My Grandson would love to have this. When we go shopping he tries to help me push the cart and even though it takes twice as long to shop, he is a great helper.
onedayitwillbealright @ gmail dot com
We love going to all the fall festivals. Enjoying the outdoors before it gets too cold outside.
onedayitwillbealright @ gmail dot com
I'm following you on twitter and sent tweet.
onedayitwillbealright @ gmail dot com
This lloks great. We have a cheap plastic cart that keeps falling apart & frustrating my kidos. This would be wonderful...
We love to go apple picking in the fall
my favorite fall activity is leaf peeping..i love driving around and seeing the changing leaves in color!/KathyLPease?v=wall&story_fbid=131467473572584&ref=mf
This would make a great Christmas present for my 4 year old
We love to go to the orchards to get apples to make home made applesauce and of course the Pumpkin patch
My kids would really like this
Our favorite fall activity is our local apple festival
My kids would love this :)
It is cute!
I like to go to "weinie roasts".
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