Welcome to Win It Wednesday! The winner of the Stampin' It Up giveaway is #51 terri142 . Congrats!
This week I am super excited to give away a $30 Gift Certificate to Lora Elizabeth stamped Jewelry! And the reason I'm super excited about this one is that I had the opportunity to review one of her necklaces a while back and love,love,love it! She personalized it w/ my kid's names, including my newborn. Click here to check out that review.
Lora Bonham is the owner/designer behind Lora Elizabeth Stamped Jewelry & she offers unique, inspiring, & timeless pieces. Her jewelry is made of sterling-silver, genuine leather and pure swarovski crystals. Many pieces are hand-cut, filed, stamped, oxidized and polished.
Her inspiration:
"My husband is a general contractor and with the slowing in the housing market, I began looking for work. As I filled out applications and interviewed for jobs, my heart ached at the thought of being away from my four young children during the day. I decided to turn my passion for hand-stamped jewelry into a way to help support our family and I've been thrilled with the results. I love to be able to stay at home and stamp away with children playing at my feet (or getting into a huge mess in the next room.) I feel that my hand-stamped, sterling jewelry says so much about the person wearing it. Whether it be their children's or grandchildren's names, a favorite motto or just one word, such as "hope."
Want It? Click here to shop.
Win It! How to enter to win the $30 GC:
1. Leave a comment here to enter to win. Be sure to include your email address if it is not on your profile!
Earn an extra entry for each of these. For each thing you do, please leave an additional comment:
2. Become a follower of Lora Elizabeth Jewelry on her Right sidebar.
3. Become a Fan of Lora Elizabeth Jewelry on Facebook by clicking here.
4. Tell me your favorite Winter activity.
5. Contest ends Tuesday January 18, 2010 @ midnight & is open to international residents.

Count me in, please.
reallyareyouserious at gmail dot com
Favorite winter activity...sitting by a warm fire with a cup of hot cocoa. Well, at least it sounds good right now.
reallyareyouserious at gmail dot com
I would love to win this, Heather!
thisthatandmyblog at gmail dot com
My favorite winter activity would have to be snow skiing. While we can't do it here in Texas, I would love to visit Colorado EVERY winter to do it!
thisthatandmyblog at gmail dot com
Congrats Terri142!
I love this site! I have become a follower of Lora Elizabeth and love the jewelry. She has also given me a lot of help in starting my own store, as has the The Gift Closet! Many thanks ladies!!
I got a ton of stamped jewelry for people for christmas, but neglected to get myself one!
I love this type of jewelry. I would love to get one with names of my kiddos and hubby or ENJOY inscribed on it (my word for 2010).
mattles22 at yahoo dot com
Ginger Cochran with Appleseed Gifts
My favorite winter activity is drinking hot chocolate, wrapping up in a HUGE blanket, and reading!! Hot Chocolate for me is only in the winter:) Does that count as an activity.
What a wonderful giveaway!I'd love to win it:)
I follow Lora's blog and I just clicked the button to join her on facebook:)
As for my fav winter activity - playing in the snow:)
Hugs your way:)
Would love a chance!
hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com
I really would love to win! Count me in! rhondamm@windstream.net
matthfam at gmail dot com
Fav. Winter Activity: drinking hot chocolate and watching a movie snuggled in a blanket.
matthfam at gmail dot com
Lovely giveaway!!
lianne-nichols at hotmail dot com
those are beautiful...I'd love to win one!
I love the simplicity! Beautiful:)
Such cute stuff. Thanks for the opportunity.
Very lovely jewelry!
I became a follower of Lora Elizabeth Jewelry
I am a FB fan of Lora Elizabeth Jewelry
My favorite winter activity is baking. I love to fire up the oven when it's cold outside :D
All the jewelry is so pretty! Great Giveaway
Became a fan on facebook
rboo224 at gmail dot com
I love personalized jewerly! Its so special!
I love handstamped jewelry!
Favorite winter actiivity...ummm...I live in Southern California, so that is tough. I guess using our fireplace on Sunday afternoon and taking nap in front of it. Happens rarely, but I sure love it!
I really love handstamped name pendants.
Thanks for the giveaway!
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I follow Lora through google friend connect
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
My favorite winter activity is finding a great hill and going sledding
I'm a fan of your jewelry.. ty so much for a wonderful giveaway!
Such cute pieces! I would love to win.
Favorite winter activity: reading
How sweet! I would love to have the flower one for my daughter. Thank you!
My favorite winter acivity is to curl up with a warm cover and a good book. My girls like to play outside in the snow on the rare chance that we actually get some. lol Thank you!
Thanks for the giveaway! I already scoped out what I would spend it on! (Ball-end Bangle)
I am following Lora Elizabeth.
My favorite winter activity is decorating the Christmas tree.
would love to win!
Mine is watching a movie all cozy by the fireplace with hot chocolate. Thanks for the chance.
Thanks for the giveaway!
thefatesarevicious at yahoo dot com
I LOVE the sweetheart necklace. Also, the dancer necklace would be a perfect gift for my SIL.
She has some beautiful pieces.
I follow her blog.
My favorite winter activity is having friends over for something warm and simple such as soup, chili or pizza, and then play some games.
I'd love to win! Thanks for the chance
My favorite winter activity is cuddling on the couch watching Christmas movies
My favorite winter activity is sitting by a warm fire and watching a great movie like "Return to Me" or "Circle of Friends".
Appleseed Gifts
I'd love to win. Please enter me!
jenndiggy at gmail dot com
My favorite winter activity is fixing chili. Love the smell that fills the house, and a nice hot bowl of soup that follows!
jenndiggy at gmail dot com
Nice-looking jewelry. Bogie and Bacall approve. ;-)
Following Lora Elizabeth Stamped Jewelry with Google Friend Connect (Bacallsmom)
(bbentry [at] aol [dot] com)
My favorite winter activity is baking bread. It makes the whole house smell yummy.
(bbentry [at] aol [dot] com)
I would like to win and order something special for my daughter. She's 14, first year in high school and needs all the support we can give her.
Thanks for the opportunity.
tsue1136 at yahoo dot com
following lora elizabeth hand stamped jewelry as terri satterlee
tsue1136 at yahoo dot com
fan on facebook as terri jensen satterlee
tsue1136 at yahoo dot com
Favorite winter activity is INDOORS. We are in Michigan BRRRRRR.
Family game night in front of the fire.
tsue1136 at yahoo dot com
They have some beautiful items I would love to win! Thanks for the chance.
I am a facebook fan of lora elizabeth stamped jewelry.(Theresa DeRosa)
My favorite winter activity is to sit my the warm fire and read a good book.
I would love to win this!!
My favorite winter activity is snowboarding. (that and wishing it were summertime)
Enter me!
Your jewelry is beautiful--I'd love to win!
Thanks for a great giveaway! I gave personalized jewelry for Christmas this year, but never got one myself...I have her site favorited!
My favorite activity is watching it snow. I've tried to force myself to enjoy winter sports/activities, but it's not happening!
Very cute designs. I like how she donates the proceeds of some designs to good causes.
I follow Laura Elizabeth's blog.
My favorite winter activity is staying warm! I can't handle the snow. :)
Her designs are so charming - thank you for the chance!
Lora Elizabeth Facebook fan (Angela Townsend).
Favorite winter activity: cuddling with my family (human and feline members alike).
I'd love this.
Oh this is a great giveaway.
ladybugmamaof2 at hotmail dot com
I'm a follower of Lora Elizabeth Jewelry.
ladybugmamaof2 at hotmail dot com
I'm a fan of Lora Elizabeth Jewelry on facebook.
ladybugmamaof2 at hotmail dot com
My favorite Winter activity would be sking. However now that we live in Florida I don't get to very often.
ladybugmamaof2 at hotmail dot com
Ooo.. those angel wings earrings are darling!
I would love to win this!
Beautiful jewelry and I love the Oval Name necklace!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I'm following Lora Elizabeth Jewelry's blog user Garner5.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I'm a fan of lora elizabeth stamped jewelry on Facebook user Lisa Garner.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
My favorite winter activity is making snow angels with my children.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
Love it!
I am a fan on facebook
I am a follower too!
as Momofmonkeys
My favorite winter activity is bundling up with the husband and kiddos in front of the fire with hot cocoa and watching some movies.
I did not see where I was supposed to go to the page, so please enter me in your contest. Thank you
My favorite winter activity is sledding. THank you
Love the contest...good luck everyone
Our favorite winter activity is curling up in front of the television with some hot cocoa and a good movie
Beautiful jewelry! I like the Angel Wings Earrings! Thanks! senekers@comcast.net
As a basket weaver, I weave baskets in winter! Thanks! senekers@comcast.net
Her jewelry is amazing! Thanks for the giveaway
northssclub at yahoo dot com
My favorite winter activity is sledding with the family!
northssclub at yahoo dot com
What beautiful jewelry! Thanks for the giveaway =)
simplyandreah at gmail dot com
My favorite winter activity is ice skating.
Christina - xristya@rock.com - I love Lora's Sweetheart necklace - very beautiful!
I love personalized jewelry and everything looks lovely!!
My favorite winter activity is seeing our dogs enjoy the snow :)
Please enter me. I love the Oval Name Necklace!
I Fan Lora Elizabeth on Facebook
Carol Anderson Ezovski
My favorite winter activity is staying inside where it is WARM! Ok, ice skating is fun, I guess!
I follow Lora Elizabeth on Google Friends Connect - Carolsue
I really love to cuddle up under a nice warm blanket and drink hot chocolate (with whipped cream) and watch movies!
I love the earrings, so pretty!
wordsmoveme at gmail dot com
I follow Lori Elizabeth Jewelry.
wordsmoveme at gmail dot com
I like curling up with some tea and a good book!
wordsmoveme at gmail dot com
when it's cold i love getting under a blanket on the couch with my husband and some hot chocolate and watching a movie!
Thank you for the AWESOME GIVEAWAY.. Please count me in :)
fan on facebook kathylpease
i like sledding :)
I would love to win this. Count me in!
My favourite winter activity is drinking hot chocolate while watching T.V. on the couch.
I follow Lora Elizabeth Jewelry.
Please enter me! This jewelry is so beautiful!
I like watching old movies on tv with a big bowl of popcorn.
follower of Lora Elizabeth Jewelry blog (kngmckellar)
Thanks for the giveaway...Our "tween" daughters are now in their jewelry phase, which I am told lasts their entire lifetime !!!
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
I love wearing a sweater for the first time each winter.
Thank you for this wonderful giveaway
I love this type of jewelry. I really like the oval name necklace as well. Thanks
This jewelry is beautiful. I would love to win the certificate.
I love the not so square neclace.
I like to read and drink a cup of coffee.
My favorite winter activity is drinking apple cider and hot cocoa.
Very nice! Wish me luck!
Merrie L.
My favorite winter activity is driving around with the family looking at Christmas decorations at night.
Merrie L.
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