I have swapped products with Karen over at Lillybella Boutique and LOVE her unique goodies! So when she approached me and wanted to giveaway some of her Handmade Coffee Coasties on The Gift Closet for the Holidays, I couldn't resist!

Click here for more info on the Coffee Coasties!
All of her gift items can be monogrammed, for that perfect personal touch.
For the women on your holiday gift list she has personalized Tote bags, Travel cups, Address and Datebooks, Checkbook covers, Sports bottles, etc.
For the Kids on your gift list, check out the Tote bags, placemats, doodle pads,chalk mats, adorable coin purses, and sketchbooks for that budding artist!
What I really like is that her products are created using oilcloth, a stain-resistant and waterproof fabric. It is perfect for busy women and kids. It is waterproof and cleans easily with just a damp sponge.Please also visit her blog for a new sale every day through December 2nd!
How to Enter:
1. Leave a comment here. You must include a valid email address if your blogger profile does not have one.
2. Earn an extra entry by blogging about this contest. After doing so, come back here, leave a 2nd comment, and a link to your blog post.
3. Contest open to US residents only & ends Monday 12/1/08 at midnight.

I have given birth to 2 preemie babies, and this has touched my heart...what a wonderful way to help and serve others!
P.P.S. Please check out my new addition! Look near the top of my Left sidebar and you will see a list of current contests @ The Gift Closet. Click on the one you are interested in to enter.
What a great giveaway! Thank you so much :)
Very cute!
karin56381 (at) gmail.com
How cute! Your blog is adorable! I just found it!
Please enter me!
mjf926 at gmail dot com
Paula Anderson
I just love giveaways! Thank you for the opportunity to join.
Sandi Brown
Our Enchanted Children
I put you on my blog, please visit it at ~
Very cute!
Thanks for offering a great giveaway! Count me in...
oooohhh!! we love coffee! this would be a great gift for our coffee loving friends, if i could part with them :)
I love coffee! I have all things coffee in my kitchen.
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
I could so use these! Thanks for the chance to win them.
please enter me !
i like this
cute giveaway.
Cute and easy to clean -- what a great combination!
greenyak [at] yahoo [dot] com
Please enter me, thanks!
I really like your web design and products. Good luck.
Nice looking and practical.
Thanks for the chance.
these are very nice
Thank you for having this. I would love to win. THank you!
Please enter me in the giveaway~Thanks!
Cute! And handy!
These are so fabulous. Please add me to the giveaway. :)
knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
What a great idea! I have never seen these before, and they are easy to clean, too. thanks for sharing
ceashark at aol dot com
carolyn s
happy thanksgiving!
Cute, count me in!!
wow this would be nice to have i realy love to win it thanks
Would be honored to win! Thank you!!
firstrosegrrl@ yahoo.com
Fantastic giveaway! Please sign me up for your contest.
Holiday coasters are such a great idea! Thanks for the chance to win. asthenight at gmail dot com
I seriously need coffee coasters! I've been using scraps of paper, books, paper towels, and whatever is handy because I don't have any coasters! lol! Thank you for the contest!
These are so cute! Thanks for the giveaway!
Her stuff is darling! I hope i win! And thanks for sharing and hosting such a great contest.
thanks for the coffee
Cute! Enter me please.
rebbi511 at peoplepc.com
Cute Coffe Coasties. Thanks!
This is great! Thanks!
i'd love to win these! please enter me.
so cute, love to be entered to win
so cool! Happy Thanksgiving.
I love the oilcloth aprons...they'd be great for craft fairs...stylish yet practical.
How unique - just love the Personalized Sippy Cup Party Pack idea
Great giveaway!
great giveaway. thanks for entry!
I like the simple, practical gifts.
What an excellent gift idea. Love the designs.
I'd love to win!
These are great! Wonderful items for my babysitter.
Those are adorable! Thanks for the chance to win, and the link to her site.
These are adorable! I love the way these "Coasties" look and the fabric they are made of. A great look and easy to clean. What more could one ask for? Please enter me in your delightful drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
These are great!
Thank you for the nice giveaway.
These are awesome. I usually use a folded paper towel as my coaster for my coffee.
I usually use a folded paper towel or napkin as a coaster. These are cool.
cute for a Christmas gift
I've been looking for some coasters to use at my home desk, these are great.
3oink63moo484 (at) gmail(.)com
What a great idea :) Our house could definitely use these!!!
tskrush (at) cox (dot) net
I love the Chalkcloth Pencil Case
I need coffee coasters! thanks for the giveaway
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
glad i found your blog cant wait to read more
Perfect for my wife. Please and thank you.
I would love to win this. Thanks for the chance to win.
I love these - thank you for the contest!
I would love to win this nice prize.
These are really cute. Thanks
livlifelov at yahoo dot com
very cute! love that they are stain-resistant and waterproof...thanks!
kmsst19 at gmail dot com
What a nice prize that I would love to own! Thanks!
Thanks for the contest :)
These are so cute, what a great giveaway!
I need..well, WANT...coffee coasties. Anything to accessorize my coffee mug is perfect...and what is better than handmade?
Thanks for the giveaway!
Really cute! I would love to win this. Perfect christmas gift for the party hostess!
I think those are very nice..
very pretty
What a fabulous idea!
Count me in please.
Looks like a great gift!
Please enter me :)
I love her tote bags.
Please enter me into the contest. Thanks!
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