Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Win It Wednesday


Just a couple of days till Christmas, can you believe it? It was an exciting last day of school for my kids and is cloudy and very "wintery" looking outside as we speak. Speaking of weather, we had to get a new a/c unit/heat pump last year so we tried to get an "eco-friendly" version. This summer we couldn't tell much of a difference, but this Winter we can see a big drop in the bill. YAY! I'm pleased to giveaway a tool that will tell you what devices cost you to run! Plug it in to your fan, or computer or anything, and see what it costs to run that each day/month/year. The Kill A Watt EZ electricity monitor retails for $60 and I am giving away one today! If you want to learn about geoexchange, geothermal heat, then Geothermal Genius is the place to go!

Want It? Click here to shop and learn.

Win It!

How to enter to win:

1. Leave a comment here & be sure to include your email address if it is not on your profile.

~Please leave a separate comment for each entry~

1. Post my "Gift Closet" button on your site. Come back here & leave me the link to it.

Grab this button:
The Gift Closet

2. Click here to visit Geothermal Genius. Come back and tell me something you learned.

Giveaway ends Tuesday December 29 , 2010 @ midnight. Winner will be contacted by email and have 48 hours to respond. This blog bares no responsibility for the delivery of this prize. Giveaway is open to
US & international readers.


debbie said... 1

I would love to have this. I am afraid to see how much electricity some of my things are using.

Unknown said... 2

Pick me, Pick me! I have been talking with our electric company about our recent bills trying to figure out why ours is so, so much higher than anyone else in our neighborhood. I am forever turning things off to save money. Please, please pick me so I can figure this out and prove to my family that leaving the lights on makes a difference!

Unknown said... 3

Please pick me! I have been trying to explain to my family that leaving a light on or turning something on and leaving costs money. Presently, I am in talks with our electric company about our bill as it is twice the cost of our neighbors and I want to figure out why! This device would rock!

Venus Montoya said... 4

Would love to win, our electricity bill is outrages. This device would be an awesome win!

mverno said... 5

i would like to know what costs whatto run and the time for the cost

abfantom said... 6

I'd like to win this for my husband who is obsessed by our electricity usage!

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Hyde said... 7

Big follower of this blog, so excited that you do WIW!!!

Pat said... 8

This would be a great way to find out where the money goes for our electric bill.
pkildow at gmail dot com

Hyde said... 9

Added your button to my site

Hyde said... 10

I learned that installing a 3 ton system is equal to planting 1 acre of trees or removing 2 cars from the road!!! That is craZy.

Ruth said... 11

WOW!! I didn't even know there was such a thing! How cool (and a little scary!) It would awesome to win this!

Ruth said... 12

I went to the site and it's fascinating! I learned that the underground temp below the frost line is constant 55 degrees! Who knew?! Not me! This is seriously so cool!


would love this

Debra "Deb" Dresden Disney-Dior said... 14

Oooh, this would be a great device to have, since I live in the Sonoran desert and the AC runs 10 months out of the year. I would LOVE to see this in action!

K. said... 15

I've always wanted to use one of these to test things around our house. Especially the old spare fridge we have out in the garage. I'd hate to have to get rid of it but I am sure it is a massive energy guzzler. It would be good to see the numbers so we could finally decide if it should get the heave ho.

Eric Rogers said... 16

I'd love to try this product out. I'm sure it would be an eye opening experience.
Thanks for the contest.

Denise said... 17

I would love to see how much electricity things are using.

nanarae said... 18

what a neat thing to have to help save energy

captainliss40 said... 19

I would love to try this!

Unknown said... 20

I would love to try this. Thank you for the chance.

Unknown said... 21

I learned that these do not give off any form of carbon monoxide poisoning. That's always good :)

Unknown said... 22

I'm getting very energy conservative. Our electric company now charges twice the rate in summer and in winter, than in the spring and fall. I have all the appliances on surge plugs, that get shut off when not in use. Would love to win. Please enter me, thank you

dt said... 23

interesting info, love to try it

sksweeps said... 24

I'd love to win this to show my daughter *WHY* I keep asking her to turn things off when she leaves the room!

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

sksweeps said... 25

I learned that the ground below the frost line is a constant 55 degrees year round. When it's 5 degrees outside it's 55 degrees under the surface, when its 95 degrees outside its 55 degrees below the surface. Ground Source Heat Pumps take advantage of this temperature difference to heat and cool.

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

hity88 said... 26

I want to win this to help reduce my carbon fottprint at home.

hiann88 said... 27

I would love to win this to track my electrical usage at home.

Lyudmila said... 28

I want to win prize for NY!
Lusizova at

Lyudmila said... 29

I learned what the " Many animals hibernate a few feet below the ground for a reason; it's warmer there. Believe it or not the ground below the frost line is a constant 55 degrees year round. When it's 5 degrees outside it's 55 degrees under the surface, when its 95 degrees outside its 55 degrees below the surface. Ground Source Heat Pumps take advantage of this temperature difference to heat and cool."
lusizova at

rah267 said... 30

great giveaway. I would love to win. Thanks for the chance.
crazyred61 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 31

Merry Xmas! Thanks!
Janna Johnson

Jim W. said... 32

What a clever device

ConiSu said... 33

What a great product! Thanks for the giveaway!

mogrill said... 34

This would be very handy.
Thanks for the chance.

Sarah said... 35

THis sounds useful and greenish. Could be a real eye-opener.

Roy F. said... 36

I would love to find out which appliances are draining all the electricity.

Roy F. said... 37

I learned that while the most efficient gas furnace has a 94% efficiency rating, geothermal beats it with a 400% efficiency rating.

Bobbi said... 38

I would love to have this, my electric bill has been extremely high lately.

Tonic67 said... 39

I am a new mom and bought some new appliances and really want to see how much they are costing me. Such as the electric fireplace (and I am curious about the Christmas Tree) and photo printer (which I won) and the baby's swing etc. If I can save money by being cautious as to how much I use these items. I can enjoy them more.

Tonic67 said... 40

1. Post my "Gift Closet" button on your site. Come back here & leave me the link to it.


reannenny at

Tonic67 said... 41

I learned that Geothermal Heating is designed using Loop Fields and there are different kinds for different types of land.
A geothermal heat pump system consists of two primary components, a heat pump and a loop field. The heat pump is the unit that is placed inside your home and is responsible for the heat exchange. The loop field is the system of piping that is laid underground in your yard. Loop fields vary based on the climate, the size of the home, and the homes locations. Loop fields can be installed horizontally or vertically and also in an open or closed loop. So what’s the difference?

reannenny at

Anonymous said... 42

I need this! Our electricity bill is out of control.

Thank you for the shot.

Unknown said... 43

I would put this to good use. Thanks for the giveaway!


Unknown said... 44

I learned that Geothermal has a 400% efficiency rating.


Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster said... 45

This is a great giveaway for a wonderful product. While I'm almost afraid to know... my husband would appreciate this so very much!


Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster said... 46

I learn that if you purchase this product you can receive "A 30% government geothermal tax credit thanks to the Federal Stimulus package released in January."

And moreover, you can cut your carbon footprint by 50% AND save an average of FOUR TONS (!) of Co2 a year!


Shae Johnson said... 47

What a great and unique giveaway! This will help us save $ !!!

Tonya Dean said... 48

We use electric heaters in the winter. Would be interesting to see if anything puts out more than them.


Tonya Dean said... 49

Installing a geothermal system in a typical home is equal to planting an acre of trees, or taking two cars off the road in greenhouse gas reduction.


sweetsue said... 50

I would love to use this and see where I can cut down. Our bill is so high!
smchester at gmail dot com

saturdaynightfever said... 51

This would be magnificent for the house!

FIBERONE said... 52

This device would help me make my house more energy efficient.

Erin E said... 53

Oooh! My hubby was just talking about one of these! Thank you for the lovely giveaway.
sewmuchstuff at ymail dot com

Erin E said... 54

I learned about the 30% government geothermal tax credit on their website.
sewmuchstuff at ymail dot com

Chip said... 55

Our electric bill is really high and I would love to see what was sucking all our money out.

Chip said... 56

"Drilling conditions are generally not bad, although some places may be more difficult due to hard shale or rock" This is for my state. I would love to see what how much it would cost. I'm afraid they would have to dynamite a lot in our backyard, but it still might be worth it.

hiann88 said... 57

I'm an email subscriber

hity88 said... 58

I'm an email subscriber

Storm Safety Blog said... 59

Our electricity bill really isn't too bad compared to everyone else we know. Of course, we have a couple of window A/C units we run in summer and we have space heaters and a honkin' big gas furnace with no blower for heat in winter. We are going to try to get HVAC installed soon, and we expect the power bill to go up. It would be really good to know what everything else is costing us so we can try to be more efficient and keep the bill from jumping up too much.

cougar44 said... 60

Thi item would be very interesting .

Leslie S. said... 61

I learned that there is no combustion in a geothermal heat pump; therefore there is no chance of carbon-monoxide poisoning. By adding high efficiency air cleaners with geothermal, a high indoor air quality level can be reached.Thanks!

Anash said... 62

this would help me inwinter

Anash said... 63

i learned A geothermal system utilizes the Earth as a free-heat source captured by a series of underground polyethylene pipes called a ground loop

Anash said... 64

i added thebutton to my site:

chad sexington said... 65

What a fun "toy" the Kill A Watt would be to play with. I'm sure I could learn alot and teach my son about energy and energy usage... I've always been curious how much energy things like a microwave, coffee maker, and some of my lamps actually use. Thanks for the giveaway!

chad sexington said... 66

Hmmm, according to, my zip code lies in Croatia and I can save about $200 in energy coses per month... which is interesting since I usually pay aroudn $180. Still, I'm pretty sure my next house will be geothermal as long as the government and energy co. kickbacks are still in place.

Anonymous said... 67

This is a neat gadget that will save you money over the long run because you will know what it costs to run something

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said... 68

I learned that the avg temp below the frost line is 55F and varies 45-65F

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Marcia said... 69

My husband and I argue about whether or not to leave the computer on all day or turn it off and on as we need it. This monitor will answer the question once and for all!

Kristi said... 70

I would love the chance to win this!! We work so hard at lowering our electric bill. $350 per month on a single income for a family is just too much for an electric bill.

Kristi said... 71

I learned that you can claim a tax credit of 30% of the entire operating system.

susansmoaks said... 72

i would love to see how much electricity my refrigerator uses and the charge for my laptop and cell phone

susansmoaks at gmail dot com said... 73

This would be wonderful and very, very helpful.

Kathy P said... 74

Thank you for the great giveaway please count me in :)

Kathy P said... 75

Geothermal systems are usually good for 15+ years. A typical furnace will last 7-10 years with regular maintenance. The ground loop of the geothermal system (the pipes buried in your yard) has a warranty of 50 years. The ground loop is made up of polypropylene pipe, the same pipe which is used in city gas lines.

faithfullyfrugal said... 76

With a three hundred dollar electric bill, I would love to have this gadget...We can use all the help we can get.

Thank you for the entry,

nikkidavissells at gmail dot com

faithfullyfrugal said... 77

I love the idea of Geothermal genius! Unfortunately, I learned that my state is not yet linked in. I am going to have to fix that...

nikkidavissells at gmail dot com

dlhaley said... 78

What a great idea! This is so useful. Thanks for the chance.


/\Heather/\ said... 79

With gas going up to $5 a gallon next year, I think this will come in handy with saving some cash.
heatherpooh (hotmail)

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