Congrats to #20 Alissa Apel the winner of the EcoSmart giveaway!!
This week I am excited to giveaway a Tween/Teen Girls Day Planner from Chaos....Simplified!

Chaos...Simplified is a great place to find Women's and Girl's Day Planners. Here is the inspiration behind this great business idea:
"My ‘journey’ began about 10 years ago. I was always striving to find the perfect day planner to make life ‘work’, to assist me in all the crazy elements that made up my life. I searched high and low and although I came across some really amazing ones along the way, nothing ever really seemed to ‘click’. About 4 years ago I had a creative moment (I still don’t know really where I found that spare minute never mind the creative part of it), I announced to my husband that I was going to just make my own! I showed him my idea and he said "Why don’t you get it published"! Poor guy, ever since he made that statement he’s definitely lost some hair over it!
It’s definitely been an uphill battle at times, in so many ways. I definitely have learned to look back at all of it and see the positive through it. I’ve confirmed something about myself through it, being told ‘no, it can’t be done’ only makes me all the more determined to do it!
As soon as I had the womans planner under way, God put this desire in me as to what was next -the Girls Planner. Definitely inspired by my own struggles during that time of my life. Having a daughter who is now 14, I see that the struggles she goes through are the same ones I faced. It's so crucial that girls see the true, unique beauties that they are. If I can do anything at all to bring out the individualism in girls at the Tween/Teen stage of their lives and, if even in a fun, planning way, to help them see the amazing person they are and to 'be there' day by day to encourage, then I am truly blessed."Carri & her family

I love it! What a great story. :)
Here is a little bit about the Girls planner I am giving away. . .
Entitled ‘Day by day, me . . . refined’, the title is inspired by the song by Brian Doerkson, "Refiners Fire".
The Planner content:
- each month you have 2 planning pages, one being for budgeting the other for setting goals and journaling, complete with a scripture verse to uplift and encourage.
- the layout is 2 page/week layout
- the days are laid out so that you have a spot for a top priority each day as well as room to plan for your classes.
- at the end of each week there is a spot for tracking assignments, a spot for ‘what I need to get done this week’ as well as, ‘what my mind absolutely needs to contain this week’.
- it runs from September 2010 - August 2011

Want It? Click here to visit.
Win It!
How to enter to win:
1. Leave a comment here & be sure to include your email address if it is not on your profile.
~Leave a seperate comment for each entry~
1. Be a follower of The Gift Closet (see Left sidebar)
2. Email 3 people about this contest and cc me on it
How to enter to win:
1. Leave a comment here & be sure to include your email address if it is not on your profile.
~Leave a seperate comment for each entry~
1. Be a follower of The Gift Closet (see Left sidebar)
2. Email 3 people about this contest and cc me on it
Giveaway ends Sunday October 10 , 2010 @ midnight. Winner will be contacted by email and have 48 hours to respond. This blog bares no responsibility for the delivery of this prize. Giveaway is open to US & Canada residents only.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by The Gift Closet!!
my daughter would absolutely love this
Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC Follower
For my niece Hannah!
I`d like to win this planner for my friend Laurie.
I'd love to win for my daughter :)
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