Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday's Tip- An Organized Christmas


I'm so excited!! I kicked off the Third annual Christmas @ the Gift Closet yesterday!! ~Giddy~ Three years?? I'm so honored that you have continued to come back and visit The Gift Closet these past few years, enabling me to do something I love......Help others! :)

Speaking of Christmas, my tip today is a site a friend sent me a link to that I thought my Gift Closet readers might be interested in! ~wink~ It's called Organized Christmas. All kinds of tips for getting organized for the Holidays. Did you know it's only 60 days till Christmas? EEK! Me? Well, I've made a list and have 2 people checked off already. I find it so much easier to shop throughout the year, and really start shopping in October if possible. MUCH easier on a single income family! I must admit, I usually get off to a great start then end up scrambling for last minute stuff at the, well....last minute. Anywho....click here to check out Organized Christmas and have a blessed day!

P.S. Click here to become a fan of The Gift Closet on Facebook! ~wink~


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