Fall may have officially arrived, but here in Georgia the temperatures are still hitting over 90 degrees every day w/ no relief in sight! And that's why I didn't hesitate to share this exciting giveaway w/ you to SwimTown Pools! SwimTown Pools offers Above Ground Pools

Pool Heaters, Covers, Spas,

SwimTownPools.com has launched a family summer photo contest on their Facebook page and I would like to invite you to enter! The Winner of the contest will receive a Kodak digital camera!! You can get the scoop and enter by clicking here.
In addition to this exciting giveaway on their Facebook page, SwimTown Pools would like to offer one lucky Gift Closet reader a $25 Gift Card!!
How to enter to win:
1. Leave a comment here & be sure to include your email address if it is not on your profile.
~Leave a separate comment for each entry~
1. FIVE extra entries for making a purchase from SwimTownPools.com
2. Tell me your favorite thing about The Gift Closet.
1. Leave a comment here & be sure to include your email address if it is not on your profile.
~Leave a separate comment for each entry~
1. FIVE extra entries for making a purchase from SwimTownPools.com
2. Tell me your favorite thing about The Gift Closet.
Giveaway ends Thursday September 30, 2010 @ midnight.
Winner will be contacted by email and have 48 hours to respond. This blog bares no responsibility for the delivery of this prize. Giveaway open to US residents only.
P.S. Congrats to #2 Lyudila, the winner of the earrings form DiamondEarrings.org!
Would love a chance,thanks!!
Would love to win this! Thanks!
My pool always needs stuff
Thanks for the chance!
CLOTHED MUCH, a modest fashion blog
I would love to win this! We would get pool toys to use at our apartment complex pool...my kids love to swim!
kclements2001 (at) hotmail (dot) com
My favorite this about Gift closet is that it has neat and different giveaways!
kclements2001 (at) hotmail (dot) com
would love this we just put up the above ground pool, its our first year! wooo!! we love it!
I could really use this prize
Very informative and useful article.
above ground pools
It is good that SwimTownPools.com has launched a family summer photo contest on their Facebook page.
above ground swimming pools
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