Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday's Tip


Ok. Confession time. I don't visit other's blogs very often. There I said it. :( And I feel bad about that, but, I know you'll understand this next part if you're a momma....I've got 3 kids, including a 4 month old (nursing every 3 hours) baby....a house and a hubby to take care of. I try to limit my time on the computer every day. As you prolly know yourself...you can easily start clicking away on cute blogs you come across and before you know it you've spent (or wasted) hours on the computer doing....nothing. Except reading other's blogs, getting good ideas, and having fun.....but there is that "Mommy" guilt telling you you need to be cleaning or doing laundry, and the list goes on...and on...and on. Tell me I'm not the only one that struggles with that guilt please! I don't get much time, or take the time really, to visit my blogging buddies. So, please forgive me if you are one of my loyal readers & I don't stop by to say hello as much.

One thing I do try to do each day is check my feedjit to see who has visited The Gift Closet, then try to pay a visit to them as well. So...all of this confession & ramblings to say that in doing that yesterday, I clicked on a blogger that had visited me called The Blog Cabin. Then, a button on her blog caught my eye, From An Igloo. Sounds interesting, eh? Well, I hopped on over there & found this fabulous post about homemade Fortune Cookies. What I loved most about it was the sayings she put IN the fortune cookies. Check these out!


or this....

Go ahead, make one for the hubby too...

How fun & unique is that!! Bravo Christine!

P.S. Check out my "Your Gift Closet" page & support these Mom-preneurs & advertise your biz here as well! :)


Braley Mama said...

Those are soooo funny!
I feel you about the mama guilt:O)

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