Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thoughts for Thursday by Emily Farmer


You Never Know
Today I write in honor of my friend Celeste. Yesterday so suddenly she passed away. One thing that Celeste showed well in her life was love. She had a big heart that held lots of love. She always had a smile on her face and an expression of love in her voice and heart. You just never know how much time we have here on this earth. One day you have a loved one here the next day they are gone. So give those loved ones a hug today. Say the three little words that I believe are never said enough "I love YOU".
The Bible gives us many commands on love. Matthew 22:39 says.... "Love your neighbor as yourself." I John 4:19 says "We love because he first loved us." Prov. 17:17 says "A friend loves at all times." Then there is John 3:16 that says "for God so loved the world". I could go on and on with verses on love but I will stop at these. I challenge you today with two things. The first being tell someone close to you that you love them. The second challenge is to look up Bible verses on love and choose one to memorize and do what it commands. Tomorrow may be just too late, so do it today.


fredamans said...

Sending condolences for your friend Celeste.


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