Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year & Word for 2010


Happy New Year! I wish you & your family blessings in 2010!

For the last 2 years I have shared with you the tradition of choosing a word, or theme, for the year. I have never been into making New Year's Resolutions. So, when a friend of mine shared this idea with me a few years ago, I loved it.

In case you haven't heard of this before, here's the scoop. Instead of making New Year's Resolutions (which no one seems to keep anyway), why not have a "word" or theme for the year for yourself.

For example, in 2008, my word was "Balance". I wanted to strive to balance all my roles....Christian, wife, mother, daughter, sister, and the list goes on. Another friend chose "Open". She wanted to open her ears, her home, and be open to new opportunities. Last year I chose the word "Imitate". I wanted to focus on Imitating Christ first and foremost.

This year my word is "Focus". As a Mom to a 5 week old, 4 yr old, & 7 yr old, life is pretty hectic for me right now. In the midst of Christmas & having a baby over the past month....I feel myself really missing my time w/ God. So, this year I need to be sure in the midst of the chaos of mommyhood, that I don't lose sight of what my focus should relationship w/ God.

What is your word for 2010?


Jessica said... 1

You may/may not laugh at me when I tell you this....just a warning.

I read this post the other day and I couldn't come up with a word. I thought I had done this last year, but it turns out I didn't, so I nothing to base anything off of.

I thought of ME at first. I want to take more time to do things for myself and to take more time to make MYSELF happy, but I had one problem. I wanted to do the same for everyone else, as well.

After thinking and thinking, I finally came up with LIVE. This year I want to LIVE like never before. I want to take time for me, family, friends, everyone! And, I want to make everyone happy! I want to LIVE.

Good? I hope so!

Emily said... 2


I love this idea. Your so right no one ever keeps their New Year's Resolutions. This is a good thing to do with your children as well.

My word for 2010 is "MORE". I want to grow more in love with Jesus, His word, my husband, children and friends. I want to be "MORE" of a Chirst follower, wife,mother, daughter and friend.

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