How to get organized for your Holiday Shopping:
1.Make a list. Include who you need to buy for, how much you want to spend on each person, ideas for gifts they may like. Include on your list sizes, fragrances, the person's likes, etc.
2. Try to go without kids in tow. As a Mom of 2 young kids & 1 on the way, I know it is a lot more frantic, chaotic, & hard to concentrate w/ the kids in tow. You will be able to focus & not over-spend if you don't have young children to pacify & contend with while you shop.
3. If you are looking for a specific item, call around to see who carries it & who offers the best price. No need to waste time, gas, & money driving all over town looking for 1 thing.
4. Shop online if possible. You may find a better deal!
5. Again, looking for a specific item? Compare prices online & know what a good deal is before you go out shopping.
6. Make a list ahead of time of stores you need to visit so you don't waste time running all around town in random directions.
7. Wear comfortable shoes. :)
8. I have a list called "Christmas Wishes" that I keep in my computer files. It has a list of fragrances, sizes, things people like that I shop for every year. That way I don't have to ask them, cuz I know I won't always remember!
9. Start shopping now & purchase at least 1 gift a week. That way you & your pocketbook won't be hit all at once!
10. Take coupons! Look for coupons in the paper, online, or in the mail for stores you plan to shop at.
11. And last but not least...shop with these Mom-preneurs at Christmas @ The Gift Closet! These shops offer unique and affordable items. And you can shop in your pj's from home while sipping your coffee or hot chocolate! Sounds like a deal to me! Click below to check them out.

I just had shoulder surgery.....would you mind coming and shopping for me??? :) You have good ideas...I haven't even thought about Christmas!
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