Hope everyone had a safe & Happy Halloween! Can you believe it's only a few weeks now till Thanksgiving?
I recently came across a site called Crinkled Nose. Cute name, eh? They sent me some of their fun products to review so I thought I'd share them w/ you!

Crinkled Nose makes festive photo calenders, baby announcements, party & event invites, save-the-date cards, and much more!

The inspiration behind Crinkled Nose:
"The technology we use to print these cards, NexPress technology, is the reason we decided to create a photo card web site. We are a mailhouse and marketing firm originally (review our About Us page on the site for more details of our history). It is digital press technology that prints images really well. The name came from a creative brainstorm session that my boss and I had. We went outside to get out of the office to come up with a name for the site. It was a beautiful day that day and we both were crinkling our noses and laughing about the goofy names we came up with, crinklednose happened to be one of them – due to the sunny day and laughing we were doing. And so, our name was born. We have a really fun work environment and CrinkledNose.com makes it that much more fun! When we get in orders, we all throw a party it’s so exciting. If you can image us screaming “we got an order!”, that’s exactly what we do."
Sounds like a fun creative bunch of people to me!They sent me a magnet calender, several custom greeting cards, a birth announcement sample, & party invite & here's what I thought...
What I liked about Crinkled Nose's products:
1. Fun, colorful, & creative.
2. I love the magnet calender. I put it on my office file cabinet & would love one for the frig.
3. They offer a fundraising programs for schools & organizations. Great idea!!
4. Their greeting cards can be customized w/ pics, etc.
5. Invitations & birth announcements come in a magnet as well.
What I didn't like about Crinkled Nose's products:
1. Well....couldn't find anything really!
Want It? You can get 15% off your order using this code: TheGiftCloset
Click here to shop. And...stay tuned because in a few weeks I'll be offering a giveaway from Crinkled Nose!

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