Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thoughts for Thursday by guest blogger Emily


by Emily Farmer
My baby boy will soon be turning 4. The other day he reached up to hold my hand and it hit me that he is getting big right before my eyes. And I should treasure every moment with him. It seems as if it was just yesterday that he was born. Time sure does fly by at a blink of an eye. We never know when those moments will be taken away from us. That's why we need to treasure every moment we can. God says in Deuteronomy 7:6(NLT) "the Lord your God has chosen you to be his own special treasure." How exciting is that? God chose us. He call us His own special treasure. Do you treat your family like they are a treasure? Do you treat yourself like you are a treasure? We are all treasures in God's eyes. If He cares for us so much that He sees us as treasures why can't we see ourselves the same way? Or others for that fact? Stop for a moment and try to see your family and friends through God's eyes? It just might make your relationship with them a little bit better.
Do you treat God's word as a treasure? Do you treasure his word enough to read it daily even several times a day? If we hide his word in our hearts as Ps. 119:11 says it will often return to mind and become a treasure that no one can take away. Isn't that worth a few minutes of your time? Just imagine all the treasures you could have if only you would take the time to hide them in your heart. Read his word daily and start discovering new treasures.
So while you are here on earth, try hard to treat family, others, yourself and His Word like special treasures. If its good enough for God it's good enough for us.
Find hidden treasures in the bible and hide them in your heart. Claim them to be your own special treasure.
Make a list of all your treasures(family, friends) and put that list in your bible and pray daily for them.
Put this truth to action and truly "TREASURE" those most important to you. Do a kind act for someone.
Press On Verse:
"Wherever your treasure is there the desires of your heart will also be." Matt. 6:21 (NLT)
"I have not departed from his commands,but have treasured his words more than daily food." Job 23:12 (NLT)

What do you treasure?


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