I hope all you Moms out there had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! I came across a new recipe site I had not heard of before on Saturday & got caught up in reading & printing some yummy recipes! I know how we women love recipes, so I want to start sharing more of those w/ you. Instead of you having to scour the internet for recipes, I'm going to do some of that work for you!
I'm a big menu planner. I've found it truly saves money for our single-income family. One of my kid's favorite things to hear me say is, "It's breakfast for dinner tonight!" I usually transform myself into a short order cook & fix pancakes & bacon, or waffles & bacon, or eggs, grits, bacon, etc for the hubby. However, sometimes I'm a little more specific & just fix one main thing. I thought some of these menu ideas might work on those "Breakfast for Dinner" nights.
French Toast Sandwiches from Taste of Home
I don't have a picture for you of these, but they are basically french toast bread w/ a banana & peanut butter on them & honey for dipping! YUM! And I love that we get our fruit & protein on these. I'd have to leave off the banana for my hubby & prolly fix a side of grits , cuz he's a big eater, but I think these would especially be a hit w/ the kids.
Gooey Marshmallow Chocolate Chip Pancakes...ummm...yeah!

"You can be thin & wrinkly, or you can have another bowl of banana pudding and fluff that stuff out! "
Found that little tidbit over at Deep South Dish. ~Grin~ Being born & raised in the South, this is my kinda cookin' ladies!
"The Secrets to Perfect Southern buttermilk Biscuits". MMM.......

Speaking of eating, I have to share this tidbit. My 7 year old daughter has always been a super picky eater. I mean PICKY girls! Since she started eating table foods she has pretty much lived on yogurt, fruit, peanut butter, & fried (only) chicken nuggets. Oh and waffles & bacon. No veggies, no other meats besides fried chicken. Gramma & Nana have worried about her, I have tried numerous tactics to get her to eat. Notta worked. Then....all of a sudden....it was like a light bulb went off a few weeks ago & she decided she wanted to try pizza again. And she LIKED it!!!!!! Then I gave her fish sticks one night & told her it was chicken(shame on me), and she loved it! So I then told her it was fish sticks & she now requests them! She also has eaten a taco & a hot dog in the past week. HALLELUJAH!!! This is so huge for our family. Now, I know these are not really healthy things she's eating, and we'll get there on the veggies, but this is a major break through & we are so happy! So, for those of you w/ picky eaters, remember....there is hope!!! :)
Ok. It's 12:33pm & I'm absolutely starving after writing this post. So I'm off to fix lunch for the little one & I. Hope you enjoy these recipes as much as I do & have a blessed day! :)
He who is of a merry heart has a continual feast.
(Proverbs 15:15b)
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I LOVE the verse you chose - that is perfect! Glad your picky eater is branching out too, that is awesome!
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