Friday, September 3, 2010

Trophy Wives Trophies Giveaway


So we've all heard the term "trophy wife", correct? I would typically think that as a negative term, but this cute little company will turn that around!

Trophy Wives Trophies is a Mom & Daughter team. Together they create custom trophies to inspire young girls!

One lucky Gift Closet reader can win a Trophy of your choice from their Sorority, University, Everyday Greatness, or Whiz Kid lines! You will be able to customize hair color, hairstyle, and skin color!

Here is their inspiration & a little more about what they do:

"My mom and I always dreamed of having a project that we could work on together and put our love of crafts to use. Through teaching and volunteering at schools, we saw first hand how motivation plays a key role in getting girls to see their own worth and abilities. When Mom came to me with the idea for Trophy Wives Trophies, we knew it was the perfect vehicle to build girls' confidence, self-esteem, and character.

We began creating a line of trophies to celebrate Everyday Greatness in girls of all ages. There's a trophy to recognize every achievement in your child's life, from the Pretty As A Picture Award, rewarding beauty both inside and out, to the Whiz Kid Reading Award and the Beautiful Ballerina Award. Each trophy is as individual as the child who receives it with customer specific skin tone, hair color, and style specifications. You can say, “Good job,” but their face really lights up when handed the hardware! "
Want It? Click here to visit Trophy Wives Trophies.

Win It!
How to enter to win a Trophy of your choice:

1. Leave a comment here & be sure to include your email address! :)

(Leave 1 additional comment for each extra entry earned)

1. Click here to "like" Trophy Wives Trophies on Facebook.

2. And while you're there, click here to "like" The Gift Closet on Facebook. :)

2. Email 3 friends about this giveaway & cc me on it. You can easily email this post by clicking on the small white envelope at the bottom of this post! ~wink~

Giveaway ends Thursday September 9, 2010 @ midnight. Winner will be contacted by email and have 48 hours to respond. This blog bares no responsibility for the delivery of this prize. Giveaway open to US residents only.


Unknown said... 1

I have two nieces—what a wonderful idea this is to encourage them! It’s nice to see trophies for accomplishments other than sports :).

meeyeehere said... 2

Hey, this is a fun giveaway!! I would love to win!!!So many trophies in my mind that I deserve and that other people deserve,so ha5rd to choose.

meeyeehere said... 3

I like them on facebook

slb3334 said... 4

These are cute.

April @ PolkaDots n' PinkySwears said... 5

I would love to win! These are adorable! Thanks for the chance! :)

Amber said... 6

These trophy dolls are so cute!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

April @ PolkaDots n' PinkySwears said... 7

FB fan of TW.

Amber said... 8

I "like" Trophy Wives Trophies on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 9

I "like" The Gift Closet on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Shooting Stars Mag said... 10

these are adorable. what a great idea!!

lauren51990 at aol dot com

craftmom said... 11

Oh how cutem what a great idea!

sweetsue said... 12

I love the ballet trophy-perfect for my dancing granddaughter!
smchester at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 13

These are very cute. Way to go!

BlankVanish said... 14

These are adorable! I know just the spot: it would grace the top of my daughters shelf!
annemolinoat hotmail dot com

BlankVanish said... 15

I like trophy wives trophies on FB

BlankVanish said... 16

I like the gift closet on FB too!

BlankVanish said... 17

I sent an email to 3 friends with the envelope!

brandon and jakell said... 18

cute.. love the reading award. my daughter would love them!

jakellcth @msn. com

brandon and jakell said... 19

Like "Trophy wives" on FB
(smile a day)

jakellcth @msn. com

brandon and jakell said... 20

like The gift closet on FB too
(smile a day)

jakellcth @msn. com

Emily Taylor said... 21

What a great idea. I love these, thy are so adorable. I can think of so many awardees I could give this to.

nordstromemily at hotmail dot com

Mommy PR said... 22

How cute! I would love to win one :- )

jeanne @ Inspiring Ideas said... 23

Oh - very cute! My daughter would love one!

Nicole said... 24

I have never heard of these! They are awesome!!

Coleeol42784 at aol dot com

Nicole said... 25

I like Trophy Wives on Facebook!
Nicole Hatch

Coleeol42784 at aol dot com

Nicole said... 26

I like the Gift Closet on Facebook!
Nicole Hatch

Coleeol42784 at aol dot com

Unknown said... 27

Would love this! Please enter me!

stracey2010 said... 28

these are so cute, i'd love to win one to give to my daughter

Susan said... 29

I would love on of them! I love the blue one. suelee1998 @

Natalie Jane said... 30

My daughter would love the princess one. These are so darling!

Natalie Jane said... 31

Like TMT on facebook!

~Becca~ said... 32

These are awesome lol

Melissa B. said... 33

This would be fun to win.

Sand said... 34

These are adorable trophies!

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