I am a coupon clipper, how about you? I love to save a dollar & and our friends tease us about being "Clark Howard" when it come to saving money. (Clark is an Atlanta celeb Dave Ramsey-ish guy on the radio.) I recently was introduced to a new site called Coupon Chief to find coupons.

I am familiar w/ the grocery store coupon sites such as Coupon Mom, Grocery Game, etc. I really like Coupon Chief cuz they offer coupons to large stores that I actually would shop at! So many coupon sites have stores I've never heard of or am not interested in.
Coupon Chief is one of the fastest growing coupon sites. They have over 50k coupons for over 15000 stores! Now that's a lot of stinkin' coupons! On their home page you will find a list of popular coupons that I found to come in really handy. I am one that likes to get in & get out so if I come to a home page and have to do a lot of searching to find what I'm looking for I lose patience. ( I know, not a good quality to have!)I was excited to see online coupons for stores such as Banana Republic, ebags, & Office Depot right there on the home page!
You can also sign up for a free account to upload your own coupons, set up email alerts for coupons of your favorite retailers, and track your browsing history. Very cool.
Click here to check out Coupon Chief for yourself!
Sponsored Editorial. All opinions are 100% my own.
P.S. Interested in swapping links w/ me? Give me a shout! heatherldt@ bellsouth dot net
Have you heard about SavingsAngel.com? Great site if they track the grocery stores you use.
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