Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thoughts for Thursday


by Emily Farmer
As I sit at my computer to write a devotion this week nothing is pressing on my heart to share. I can't help but wonder why. Then the thought came to mind. Be Still and wait. Those who know me know I don't do "Still" very well. I am never still. Always a busy body never sitting and waiting. As I sit here now my leg shakes as if it's dancing to music. So why is my mind so blank? What is God trying to show me, tell me, make me see. I'm waiting........Nothing comes to mind.
Well I'm back after a short break and I believe this is the message I am to share with you today. If you have never took the time to sit still and wait to hear HIS voice I encourage you to do it. You might learn a lot, you might learn nothing at all. But I am convinced you will learn something. God has so much to say to us if only we will stop and listen to what he is saying. God reveals his voice in many ways, it could be through his word, through someone else, through a situation you are experiencing.
I leave you today with these verses to mediate on. Mediate and then journal what you discovered God speaking to you. Be sure to date it so you can look back upon it in the future and know how far you have come.
"Be Still and know that I am GOD" Ps. 46:10
Read Ps. 25 daily
"....Wait patiently for him to act" Ps. 37:7b
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Heather said...

I hear ya Emily. My leg is always moving, I'm hyper & never sit still so this is a good reminder for me. :)

Emily said...

A reminder I think we all need.

~jenna said...

so interesting that you posted this c.b.s. we did a lesson on habakuk and waiting on God, knowing he will fulfull, in his time!! so hard, but soooo worth it! :)

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