Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thoughts for Thursday by Emily Farmer


Christmas Countdown
We are now heading toward the Christmas count down. Only a few days left to shop, wrap and plan. Are you ready? I am as ready as I can get. What are your count down days like? This year I decided to do a 12 days of Christmas Countdown with the boys. So on Monday December 14th we started our count down. I used a Wilton cup cake tree stand to do it. I thought it would be perfect to create our countdown. I place 12 paper cupcake liners to the stand. Next, I numbered them so we knew which day was which. Then the fun begin....what to put in each paper cupcake. I tried to come up with something that pertained to the song but some days were hard and I just used M&M's or some other candies. That number day is how much candy I put in each paper cup. Here is what I came up with.
Day 12 ~ Mini Marshmallows
Day 11~Hershey Kisses
Day 10~ M&M candies
Day 9~M&M candies
Day 8~Milk Dudes(for maids a milking)
Day 7~gummy bears
Day 6~ white chocolate chips(for eggs)
Day 5~Cheerios (for the 5 golden rings)
Day 4~sugar babies
Day 3~life saver candy
Day 2~dove chocolate candy
Day 1 ~ Candles for our Happy Birthday Jesus Cake
A friend of mine suggest I check out this site I suggest you do the same. This was new to me and very interesting how we can relate it to our Savior Jesus Christ.
Merry CHRISTmas!


fredamans said... 1

I love that idea of a Happy Birthday Jesus cake!

Braley Mama said... 2

What a great idea!!!!
Looking forward to doing something like this with my girls next year:)
Thanks for the link too. Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said... 3

What an awesome idea! A cupcake stand is a great way to make a count down.

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