Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday's Feature - A Giveaway from Krizzy Designs


My feature today has become one of my blogging friends & supporters. Her name is Krystyn, and she is the Mom-prenuer behind Krizzy Designs.

Krystyn is a wife & mother to 2 girls. She is a Science teacher by day and a blog & announcement designer by night. Here are some samples of her awesome work:

I have really enjoyed getting to know Krystyn through blogging & I know you would love working with her. She is such a sweetheart!I asked her what her inspiration was to start Krizzy Designs & here is what she had to say:

"What inspired me?
I found so many other blogs that look fabulous and I wanted to know how to do it. I am a take-charge, ask lots of questions type of person, so I did. I took two classes for Photoshop and taught myself HTML. I started with designing my own site and I was approached to design others. From that Krizzy Designs was born (Krizzy comes from my name, Krystyn, and the nickname of our daughter, Izzy).

My real inspiration is my kiddos. I would like to be able to stay home with them and still generate some income. At this point, I am not able to, but one day, I hope to be a SAHM with an at home business."

Want It? Check out Krizzy Designs by clicking here.

Win It! Would you like to win a new blog design from Krizzy Designs? It will include a new blogger header, background and signature!

How to enter:


1. Leave a comment here & be sure to include your email address if it is not on your profile.
2. For an extra entry, become a follower of The Gift Closet on Twitter. Click here to do so & be sure you come back and leave an additional comment letting me know you did.

3. Contest ends Thursday 4/23/09 @ midnight & is open to US & Canada only.

Have a great weekend & see you Monday for Mamalicious Monday!


Leah said... 1

first to comment - woohoo! :)

her designs look so cute! i could use a blog-lift.


Gwenn Mitchell said... 2


I love her work. As you know, I just started my own blog and have a great new design, so I don't need to be entered into the drawing. However, I wanted to drop a line to say how much I like Krystyn's designs and to wish her luck in the business.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said... 3

Thanks, Heather!

Good luck everybody!

Krissa said... 4

I would love to win for my oh snap blog....
that would be awesome!!!!

Krissa said... 5

I am a follower on twitter...krissareann

c said... 6

I so want to be ly Krystyn...I would love to know how to design my own pages...gotta look into Photoshop..


Gosfam said... 7

How cute, I would love a cute signature especially. What a fun business venture. Good Luck!!

Holly R said... 8

I want to win. My blog needs something.

The Lingo Family said... 9

Such a talented blog designer.

mverno said... 10

yes of course i'd love to win

demmi said... 11

I would love to win con5459(at)gmail(dot)com

Jenni said... 12

I would absolutely LOVE to win. This is the first giveaway that I am entering and I have been blogging for over a year!

Ann said... 13

I just found your blog through Krystyn's - great idea! I will definitely be making it a regular read. My email is in my profile and I'm now following you on Twitter. Thanks so much!

Unknown said... 14

Count me in! I LOVE Krystyn's designs! Maybe then I could stop changing my blog look every month...

Whitney said... 15

Oh my word I am in DIRE NEED of a makeover - especially by Krystyn! I'm following on Twitter as well!

mmentor said... 16

sign me up

Terri said... 17

I have no clue how to do anything other that to type what I want to say and upload a picture - I would love some help.

Bren said... 18

Love her designs and her blog!

Unknown said... 19

She does a great job designing. I love to read her blog some of her stories are really funny. I would love to have her give me a new look for my blog.


beautiful work

SoBella Creations said... 21

Cute designs!

SoBella Creations said... 22

I follow you on twitter. My twitter name is SoBellaCreation

C and C Mommy said... 23

I love reading about Izzy and Natalie!! Krystyn is so creative!!

Sheila Hickmon said... 24

I could definately use a blog make over!! And they are all so cute! Thanks for the chance! hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Sheila Hickmon said... 25

Im now following you on twitter, mom2anutball! hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Lisa said... 26

I hope I win! I would love a blog makeover!


Kristi said... 27

First off!! I love your blog. I just stumbled on it and think it's great. I am now following you on twitter and thru blogger.

Boy, can it use a face life LOL. I can only imagine what it would look like after Krizzy Designs got a hold of it.

Have a great afternoon :)

Meet the Browns said... 28

Wow! I'd love for Krizzy Designs to makeover my blog :)

Katie Brown

Unknown said... 29

I hope I win. I would really love to start my own blog (for my friends and family to visit) and it would be fantastic to have some professional help!
saidera1 at gmail dot com

MMM said... 30

I would love a blog-lift!

Melinda said... 31

would love to win this!

Melinda said... 32

im a follwer!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said... 33

i would love a blog lift!

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Tam said... 34

Krystn is one of my Favorite Bloggers TOOO! SHE ROCKS!

Mommyhood is Thankless said... 35

Thanks so much for sharing. I would love to win!


Mommyhood is Thankless said... 36

I am following Gift Closet on twitter.

Username: wastebasket


Vandroid said... 37

I'm moving to Japan in the fall and need to start a blog to communicate with my family and friends at home!

tristanjh said... 38

I desperately need some blog help! Thanks for the giveaway!

tristanjh said... 39

I am following on twitter!

prplrush said... 40

Thanks for this chance at something truly great. I love the designs and would love one of my own. I'm still pretty new at blogging and think something like this might finally give me enough of a kick to get both feet into my blog lol

Anonymous said... 41

Ahhhhhhh I love all of her designs! Very creative! Please enter me for a blog makeover!!!

Anonymous said... 42

I am following you on Twitter now! I just wrote you on there: abigailhutch@GiftMama Welcome to the Twitter world! I am new to this too! But I love your blog! I have been following it awhile now! Happy Wednesday!

The Jones' said... 43

LOVE your site and LOVE Krystyn's blog designs! My friend Amanda just got hers updated by Krystyn so I had to sign up for this!!

The Jones' said... 44

I am following you on Twitter!

Stewart Family said... 45

Love this blog and Krizzy Designs too.

Stewart Family said... 46

I am following you on Twitter too now. Thought I needed that extra entry since my blog is lacking personality!

Jinxy and Me said... 47

Great designs! I could really use this. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jinxy and Me said... 48

I'm following you on Twitter. (My Twitter name is @ThriftyJinxy)

wendy wallach said... 49

Ive been trying to figure out how to redesign my blog but it all gets so confusing for me. I could really use this.

madmerkf at aol dot com

Becky said... 50

ohh I so need a new blog design..

He & Me + 3 said... 51

I would love to get a bloggy make over. count me in.

Betty C said... 52

I would love to have a good blog design. The ones Krystyn has designed are so nice.

Betty C said... 53

Following on Twitter.
User name is willitara

Kaycee said... 54

Wow, I love her designs! I could really use this for my new blog and it would be great for my blog launch party! Thanks for the chance!

fitforachild at gmail dot com

Brooke said... 55

Beautiful work... Plus wow she taught herself very impressive... I have tried but that requires better software programs and oooo I can't see getting new ones yet when my old ones work... they just can't do all the stuff I want..

masonsgranny59 said... 56

ty 4 the awesome giveaway:)

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